Apyramidra Harmony Card (和諧能量咭)


Apyramidra Harmony Card

和諧能量咭能在環境中創造和諧系統,建立無限的和諧結構,從一座標展開成時空結構。和諧能量卡將你連接到所有存在層面:心理、情感和身體。 它可以幫助您接受及使用人類能量系統與大自然中各層面之間的聯繫,達至改善痛症、清理阻塞能量。


A way to achieve a system of creative harmonious development is that you establish harmony as an infinite structure in your environment, spreading from a reference point to the time-space structure. The Harmony Card connects you to all Levels of Existence: Mental, Emotional and Physical.It helps you accept and utilise the connection between the human energy system and nature, so as to improve pain and clear blocked energy.