Apyramidra Vpezowxr Card (肉芽增生)


[:en]Apyramidra Vpezowxr Card

Granulation tissue appear most often in skin folds of the neck, armpits, torso, beneath the breasts or in the genital region. They can become irritated if they are in an area where clothing or jewelry rubs against them, and they may be unsightly. Proliferation of granulation tissue is a small benign tumor & is not contagious, but they may increase. The reason is usually due to skin aging or physical relations. There is also a saying that the skin is caused by UV damage.


頸部或腋下附近的皮膚有小小突起物,醫學上的肉芽增生又稱為皮膚贅疣、垂疣、皮膚息肉、軟纖維瘤,一般為良性增生,但是如果有變大、出血的情形,就要小心可能是惡性腫瘤!皮膚肉芽、皮膚贅疣是皮膚的良性增生,不具有傳染性,但是有增多的可能,出現原因通常是因為皮膚老化或是體質關係,也有一說認為是皮膚遭受紫外線傷害所造成。[:zh]Apyramidra Vpezowxr Card



Granulation tissue appear most often in skin folds of the neck, armpits, torso, beneath the breasts or in the genital region. They can become irritated if they are in an area where clothing or jewelry rubs against them, and they may be unsightly. Proliferation of granulation tissue is a small benign tumor & is not contagious, but they may increase. The reason is usually due to skin aging or physical relations. There is also a saying that the skin is caused by UV damage.[:cn]Apyramidra Vpezowxr Card



Granulation tissue appear most often in skin folds of the neck, armpits, torso, beneath the breasts or in the genital region. They can become irritated if they are in an area where clothing or jewelry rubs against them, and they may be unsightly. Proliferation of granulation tissue is a small benign tumor & is not contagious, but they may increase. The reason is usually due to skin aging or physical relations. There is also a saying that the skin is caused by UV damage.[:]