Apyramidra 河圖洛書 & 河洛地球圖


[:en]Apyramidra 河圖洛書 & 河洛地球圖

Hetu(河圖) and Luoshu(洛書) are two mysterious patterns handed down in ancient China. They have always been considered the origin of Heluo culture(河洛文化), the source of Chinese civilization. Hetu Luoshu(河圖洛書) is the source of Chinese culture, the yin(陰) and yang(陽) and the five elements(五行). Dr. James created the Heluo earth map(河洛地球圖) using the analysis of the earth satellite images, and each position is determined based on modern earth data.


河圖與洛書是中國古代流傳下來的兩幅神秘圖案,歷來被認為是河洛文化的濫觴,中華文明的源頭,被譽為”宇宙魔方”。河圖洛書是中華文化,陰陽五行術數之源。黃永豪博士所創的河洛地球圖是鑑於古代的文王八卦由周朝已經沿用了三千多年,而中國和世界各地版圖的改變和一些基建已經把地理波動效應改變。創作研究是利⽤地球衞星圖⽚分析出來,每個⽅位的卦依當代地球資料⽽定。[:zh]Apyramidra 河圖洛書 & 河洛地球圖



Hetu(河圖) and Luoshu(洛書) are two mysterious patterns handed down in ancient China. They have always been considered the origin of Heluo culture(河洛文化), the source of Chinese civilization. Hetu Luoshu(河圖洛書) is the source of Chinese culture, the yin(陰) and yang(陽) and the five elements(五行). Dr. James created the Heluo earth map(河洛地球圖) using the analysis of the earth satellite images, and each position is determined based on modern earth data.[:cn]Apyramidra 河图洛书 & 河洛地球图



Hetu(河图) and Luoshu(洛书) are two mysterious patterns handed down in ancient China. They have always been considered the origin of Heluo culture(河洛文化), the source of Chinese civilization. Hetu Luoshu(河图洛书) is the source of Chinese culture, the yin(阴) and yang(阳) and the five elements(五行). Dr. James created the Heluo earth map(河洛地球图) using the analysis of the earth satellite images, and each position is determined based on modern earth data.[:]