1. 您的包裝盒中有一個極高精度的半透明金智慧手帶,它由最高質量的瑞士製造的矽製成。
2. 金智慧手帶的一側有我們的公司徽標。
3. 當您佩金智慧手帶時,無論套上在您的右手還是左手,始終將徽標一面朝向肘部。
4. 切勿穿超過一根的金智慧手帶。不能同一時間佩戴多於一只。
It is truly a State-Of-The-Art in vibrational healing technology, please study the following carefully to get the best out of your Wisdom Band One.
1. You have a high precision translucent Wisdom Band One in the box, it is made with highest quality Swiss made silicone available.
2. There is our Company Logo on side of the Wisdom Band One.
3. When you wear the Wisdom Band One, always put the Logo side facing your elbow, regardless on your right hand or Left hand.
4. Never wear more than one band.
Although silicone naturally resists the growth of bacteria, we recommend that you clean your Wisdom Band One regularly using one of the following methods.
Silicone items are dishwasher safe. We recommend washing them separately in warm soap water. You can hand-wash silicone items in warm soapy water. If you are sensitive to the smell or taste of soap or dishwashing detergents, you can boil your silicone item in water for 2-3 minutes. After boiling, handle with care and allow the silicone piece to cool completely before using them. It will be very hot for quite a while after boiling!
After washing your silicone piece, be sure to let it air dry completely or dry it with a soft clean cloth. Store it in a cool dry place when not in use. It’s a good idea to wrap each silicone piece in a soft lint-free cloth when storing and avoid storing two pieces in contact with each other. Note: Silicone is durable and easy to clean, however there are some materials that will degrade of shorten the life of your silicone piece. Avoid exposing silicone items to extreme cold, prolonged direct sunlight and oil 0r silicone-based products.
Disclaimer: No Medical claims are made nor implied. User assumes all responsibility for their exploration of information or materials.
Information reflects historical usage and concepts from different world healing traditions, many of which are not recognised or supported by modern Western Medicine. Vibrational Testing and all Vibrational Healing concepts, whether raditional or contemporary, are to be considered experimental holistic approaches and are not considered valid by modern Western Medicine.
All information and products are for personal exploration only, and are not intended for diagnosing nor treating any disease.