Apyramidra Universe Bagua (宇宙八卦)


[:en]Apyramidra Universe Bagua

The Universe Bagua created by Dr. Wong is in view of the fact that the ancient King Wen of Bagua has been used by the Zhou Dynasty for more than 3,000 years. The creation research of universe bagua is to observe and analyze the universe from the perspective of the earth.


黃永豪博士所創的宇宙八卦是鑑於古代的文王八卦由周朝已經沿用了三千多年,而重新創了宇宙八卦。宇宙八卦的創作研究是以地球角度觀測宇宙並分析出來,以往中國常見的風水八卦指的是古代文王八卦也叫太極八卦,在中國一直被稱為風水吉祥物。據傳,在距今七千年前的上古時代,伏羲氏觀物取像,始作八卦。八卦的化煞功能實屬一流。[:zh]Apyramidra Universe Bagua



The Universe Bagua created by Dr. Wong is in view of the fact that the ancient King Wen of Bagua has been used by the Zhou Dynasty for more than 3,000 years. The creation research of universe bagua is to observe and analyze the universe from the perspective of the earth.[:cn]Apyramidra Universe Bagua



The Universe Bagua created by Dr. Wong is in view of the fact that the ancient King Wen of Bagua has been used by the Zhou Dynasty for more than 3,000 years. The creation research of universe bagua is to observe and analyze the universe from the perspective of the earth.[:]