Apyramidra Qluqzuwa Card (靜脈曲張)


[:en]Apyramidra Qluqzuwa Card

Varicose veins are a medical condition in which superficial veins become enlarged and twisted. These veins typically develop in the legs, just under the skin. Varicose veins usually cause few symptoms. But some individuals may experience fatigue or pain in the area. Complications can include bleeding or superficial thrombophlebitis.When wall of the veins are weak, the leaflets of the valves can no longer meet properly to stop back flow of blood causing congestion. As a result, blood pools and superficial veins puff up as varicose veins or spider veins.


靜脈曲張多數發生在下肢,是不正常擴張的靜脈,即是皮膚下的靜脈血管明顯浮起,甚至出現不雅觀的膨脹和扭曲。靜脈周圍皮膚呈紅腫微熱,行走時亦會有痛楚和易累。正常的腿部靜脈都有瓣膜,防止血液受地心吸力影響倒流,如瓣膜出現問題而不能正常合上,血液便淤積於腿部靜脈,長期使靜脈血管變形,形成下肢彎彎曲曲及膨脹的靜脈血管。[:zh]Apyramidra Qluqzuwa Card



Varicose veins are a medical condition in which superficial veins become enlarged and twisted. These veins typically develop in the legs, just under the skin. Varicose veins usually cause few symptoms. But some individuals may experience fatigue or pain in the area. Complications can include bleeding or superficial thrombophlebitis.When wall of the veins are weak, the leaflets of the valves can no longer meet properly to stop back flow of blood causing congestion. As a result, blood pools and superficial veins puff up as varicose veins or spider veins.[:cn]Apyramidra Qluqzuwa Card



Varicose veins are a medical condition in which superficial veins become enlarged and twisted. These veins typically develop in the legs, just under the skin. Varicose veins usually cause few symptoms. But some individuals may experience fatigue or pain in the area. Complications can include bleeding or superficial thrombophlebitis.When wall of the veins are weak, the leaflets of the valves can no longer meet properly to stop back flow of blood causing congestion. As a result, blood pools and superficial veins puff up as varicose veins or spider veins.[:]