Apyramidra Encwx Card (預防及改善牙齦萎縮)


[:en]Apyramidra Encwx Card

The normal gums are pink and cover the roots of the teeth. If the gums are atrophied or the teeth are abnormally positioned, the roots will be exposed. There are many reasons for this, and age is the main reason. The main hazard of gingival atrophy is that the roots are exposed and become prone to tooth decay, infection or shedding.

The frequency of Encwx Card helps prevent and improve gingival recession.[:zh]Apyramidra Encwx Card

正常的牙齦是粉紅色的,並且蓋住牙齒根部。如果牙齦萎縮或 牙齒位置異常,牙根就會暴露。導致的原因很多,年齡是最主要的原因。 牙齦萎縮最主要的危害在於,牙根會隨之暴露,從而變得 容易蛀牙、感染或脫落。

Encwx Card的頻率有助預防及改善牙齦萎縮問題。[:cn]Apyramidra Encwx Card

正常的牙龈是粉红色的,并且盖住牙齿根部。如果牙龈萎缩或 牙齿位置异常,牙根就会暴露。导致的原因很多,年龄是最主要的原因。 牙龈萎缩最主要的危害在於,牙根会随之暴露,从而变得 容易蛀牙丶感染或脱落。

Encwx Card的频率有助预防及改善牙龈萎缩问题。[:]