Apyramidra Dfopv Card (肝病)


[:en]Apyramidra Dfopv Card

Liver disease (also called hepatic disease) is a type of damage to or disease of the liver.Whenever the course of the problem lasts long, chronic liver disease ensues. Some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease are Jaundice and Weight loss. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, is caused by various viruses (viral hepatitis) also by some liver toxins (e.g. alcoholic hepatitis), autoimmunity (autoimmune hepatitis) or hereditary conditions.


肝病是指肝臟疾病,或是肝臟受損的症狀。肝病種類超過一百種以上。症狀包括黃疸及體重減輕。肝炎是指肝臟的發炎,可能因為病毒造成,也有可能因為肝毒性物質造成,或是因為免疫或是遺傳所造成。肝臟是人體內最大的消化腺,是體內物質能量代謝的中心站。首先它分泌膽汁,幫助消化飲食,把吸收的氨基酸合成蛋白質,供給我們能量,另外它能貯藏和燃燒體內的脂肪,是脂溶性維生素的貯存器官。還能夠氧化、還原、分解體內的毒素,是人體最大的解毒器官。[:zh]Apyramidra Dfopv Card



Liver disease (also called hepatic disease) is a type of damage to or disease of the liver.Whenever the course of the problem lasts long, chronic liver disease ensues. Some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease are Jaundice and Weight loss. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, is caused by various viruses (viral hepatitis) also by some liver toxins (e.g. alcoholic hepatitis), autoimmunity (autoimmune hepatitis) or hereditary conditions.[:cn]Apyramidra Dfopv Card



Liver disease (also called hepatic disease) is a type of damage to or disease of the liver.Whenever the course of the problem lasts long, chronic liver disease ensues. Some of the signs and symptoms of liver disease are Jaundice and Weight loss. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, is caused by various viruses (viral hepatitis) also by some liver toxins (e.g. alcoholic hepatitis), autoimmunity (autoimmune hepatitis) or hereditary conditions.[:]