Dnenen Equation Card (Earth Medicine)


[:zh]Dnenen Equation Card

地球醫學是人體所有康復 、解決疾病和/預防疾病的基礎,其中包括營養保健品、草藥、營養物質和最佳生活方式的信息。地球醫學是地球科學、心理學、醫學、靈性、農業、建築和規劃的總稱。當今我們物種最需要的是重新連接到我們在全球生物圈內適當、相對和相關的位置。地球醫學是一種積極的方法,可以支持適當的可持續技術並拒絕減少生物多樣性或社會責任的技術或行為。
Earth Medicine is the foundation for all healing of the body, resolve disease and/or prevent the onset of disease with information from nutraceuticals, herbal medicines, nutrients and optimum lifestyle practices. Earth Medicine works from the premise that what is most needed for our species today is a reconnection to our appropriate, relative, and relevant place within the global biosphere. Earth Medicine is an active way to support appropriate sustainable technology and reject technology or behavior that diminishes biological diversity or social justice.

[:cn]Dnenen Equation Card

地球医学是人体所有康复 丶解决疾病和/预防疾病的基础,其中包括营养保健品丶草药丶营养物质和最佳生活方式的信息。地球医学是地球科学丶心理学丶医学丶灵性丶农业丶建筑和规划的总称。当今我们物种最需要的是重新连接到我们在全球生物圈内适当丶相对和相关的位置。地球医学是一种积极的方法,可以支持适当的可持续技术并拒绝减少生物多样性或社会责任的技术或行为。
Earth Medicine is the foundation for all healing of the body, resolve disease and/or prevent the onset of disease with information from nutraceuticals, herbal medicines, nutrients and optimum lifestyle practices. Earth Medicine works from the premise that what is most needed for our species today is a reconnection to our appropriate, relative, and relevant place within the global biosphere. Earth Medicine is an active way to support appropriate sustainable technology and reject technology or behavior that diminishes biological diversity or social justice.
