How BioRetrix Information Energy Cards work?
Every energy field, every system, every organ, every cell in our human body has different functions, so they have different wavelengths.
When your wavelength is disturbed, your own organ function will be improperly performed. When it is improperly performed, it will be given a general name in medicine, called “illness”.
Take the immune system as an example. The best doctors do not come from the United States, Germany, or Japan. The best doctors in the world come from our own body. The doctor’s name is “Natural Healing Power”, modern It is called “immunology” in medicine, so 99% of diseases are related to the immune system. Except for accidental deaths, correct your immune system so that you can be less “ill.”
“Immunology” modern science is paired with a name called “molecular correction medicine”. The principle is to correct bad cells by correcting information. If the bad cells return to normal, they will send a signal to the brain, and the brain will transmit it to various organs. With relative adjustments, the body will return to normal.
Now we can use the quantum entanglement theory in physics to resonate the information wavelength of the Bioretrix information energy card with the wavelength of the user’s information field, transmit the information of the correction cell, adjust the wavelength frequency to a normal level, and achieve the effect of self-healing.
The human body uses as a carrier for frequency and wavelength transmission, so to use Bioretrix Cards, you need to drink enough water to perform its best function.
How to use Cxrlumnp Equation Card:
Cxrlumnp Equation Card is the same size as a credit card and can be stored in your wallet. It is recommended to put your biometric information on the items, such as ID card or photos, with the front of the card (the side shown on the website) facing the front of the identification document/photo.
*It is not recommended to store together with other energy products (such as amulets/other energy products, etc.)
*If you store it in your home/office, please store it in an open place. It is not recommended to store it near the Wi-Fi router/in front of the mirror
*Please note that the photo needs to be a recent photo of a glossy photo, an individual photo, and an unretouched photo
*When placing the photo, please align the orientation of the photo with the orientation of the Bioretrix Card
Disclaimer: No Medical claims are made nor implied. User assumes all responsibility for their exploration of information or materials.
Information reflects historical usage and concepts from different world healing traditions, many of which are not recognised or supported by modern Western Medicine. Vibrational Testing and all Vibrational Healing concepts, whether raditional or contemporary, are to be considered experimental holistic approaches and are not considered valid by modern Western Medicine.
All information and products are for personal exploration only, and are not intended for diagnosing nor treating any disease.
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