Qrrekq Equation Card (6 Exogenous Factors)


Qrrekq Equation Card

Wind(風), cold(寒), heat(暑), damp(濕), dryness(燥), fire(火), Under normal circumstances, which are six different kinds of climate changes in nature. When the climate changes suddenly or the body’s resistance drops, 六氣(Six Qi) has become a disease-causing factor, making people sick. If they are excessive, they will become 6 unhealthy influences causing illness in TCM called Six Exogenous Factors.


以上所講的燥和熱都是屬於臟腑氣血功能失調所產生的內生五邪(five endogenous factors),令外還有內風、內寒、內濕,它們都是由內而生,與外感之邪有性質上的相似,卻有病因上的區別。
外感六淫(six exogenous factors),意思是六個外在的致病因素。它們分別為風(wind),暑(summer heat),濕(damp),燥(dryness),寒(cold),熱 / 火(heat / fire)。

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