Apyramidra Company Limited is a Hong Kong company formed in April 2014 to carry out research and development in energy balancing technology to transmute the effects of environmental energy disturbances from sources such as electromagnetic radiation, structural design, and earth-energy radiation. Apyramidra Solutions™are being applied in agriculture and animal farming to increase productivity while reducing the use of controversial chemicals and artificial treatments. A range of Apyramidra® products for commercial, individual and home use shall be available to offer basic energy quality balancing as a long-term support system for our well-being. The Apyramidra Solution™ technology research and development are based on the Egyptian science, in using the energy principles of shape to qualitatively balance biological energy systems and harmonise their interactions with the environment.

Apyramidra Solution™ can be used in:

  • Agriculture – planting rate increased, aquaculture survival rate increased
  • Environment – interior and architectural design, clean water, sewage treatment
  • Home – to help solve the problems caused by chemicals, and electromagnetic field (EMF) caused by health problems
  • Health – prevention of disease
  • Disaster Handling – pest removal, hygienic treatment such as odor treatment

our team

Dr.James Wong

Dr. James Wong is a Chartered Engineer from United Kingdom and a Registered Professional Engineer in Hong Kong. He is the Founder and President of Allied Environ- mental Consultants Ltd. Founder Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics; the Hong Kong Institute of Environ- mental Impacts Assessment and the Founder President of the Institute of Energy. His Allied (Environmental) Group has been in the areas of design and construction of sustainable buildings, roads, railway stations and airports for governments, private and international corporate clients. He has extensive hands-on experience in green building systems, establishing design criteria in planning of new towns, hotels, commercial, institutional and residential property developments as well as transportation networks. He was responsible for many recording and TV studios, performing arts venues as well as many of the awards winning Hong Kong iconic green buildings like The International Commerce Centre (abbr. ICC Tower) is a 108 floor, 484 m (1,588 ft), the tallest building in Hong Kong, the JP Morgan’s Asia Pacific Headquarter Charter House, Government Offices and many departmental buildings like the ICAC and Customs buildings. Dr. Wong established Allied Environmental Consultants Limited working on advanced sustainable building and town planning concepts for the housing sec- tors as well as research in sustainable products and their applications. His company has involved over 200,000 private and public high rise residential flats in Hong Kong. Dr. Wong conducted research in the areas of architectural acoustic, especially acoustics in theatres and concert halls.
He held seminars in the Hong Kong University’s and the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Architectural Departments as well as the HKUSPACE in Sustainable Design and a School Ambassador of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers. He has been a pioneer in applying stealth technology, nanotechnology and effective microorganisms in his projects.
Since 2012 Dr. James Wong has applied acoustics and energy designs in his projects. In 2014, Dr. Wong started teaching and applying the theory of Physics of Quality. In the same year, he and Mr. Wong founded Apyramidra Co. Ltd. to jointly research and invent bio-energy resonance products, which are used in agriculture, fishery and human health.

Tony Wong – Director

Tony, the founder of Apyramidra Company Limited, is an advocator of metascience. He has been facilitating the exchange of ideas of metascience as a director at Institue of Energy. To move further in arousing general public’s awareness and interest, he founded Pyramid Energy Society to organize different metascience-related workshop and events. He also launched certificated programs to enhance the professional knowledge level of the industry, which attracted more than a hundred of participants in Hong Kong, Sinapore and Malaysia. It becomes an effective platform to foster the international communication and idea exchange, stimulating the professional development of metascience in Asia Pacific.

Over the past years, Tony received positive comments and appreciations from his clients, which involve government officials, as well as business and entertainment celebrities. Tony assisted in translating one of the international Best Sellers “Supercoherence The Return to Love”. In 2019, he was awarded The 5th Influence China Total Selection List – Ten Outstanding Innovative Entrepreneur Award.