Apyramidra Gjuvju Card (脑神经重置 – 中风)


Apyramidra Gjuvju Card

脑神经属於周围神经系统(Peripheral Nervous System),区别於由脊髓发出的脊神经。它们是直接由脑发出的。在人类中,传统上认为一共有12对脑神经,其中有10对分布於头面部。脑神经有着重要的功能:视觉丶嗅觉丶听觉丶味觉均由脑神经传递,人类丰富的面部表情也由脑神经控制。中风正是因为大脑血管缺氧,让脑部某一区块的神经功能受损,如果伤到动作区,大脑就无法命令身体产生动作。就像是电脑线路烧坏後,机器就无法正常运作。


Cranial nerves are the nerves that emerge directly from the brain (including the brainstem), of which there are conventionally considered twelve pairs. Cranial nerves relay information between the brain and parts of the body, primarily to and from regions of the head and neck, including the special senses of vision, taste, smell, and hearing. A stroke is precisely because of the lack of oxygen in the cerebral blood vessels, which damages the nerve function of a certain area of the brain. If the action area is injured, the brain cannot command the body to move.