健康 – Apyramidra BioRetrix Solution case study:

營養師A小姐 6歲時右耳發現腫瘤,使右耳耳骨及右邊面部神經線受壓。
此問題困擾A小姐已長達23年。在使用Apyramidra Harmony Card 及Apyramidra Wisdom Band One約二十多分鐘,右邊面部肌肉已開始有輕微活動反應。
感謝A小姐體驗分享,並希望A小姐 恢復健康。

Nutritionist Ms.A found a tumor in right ear when she was 6 years old, which put pressure on the right ear bone and the right facial nerve system.
When the tumor was surgically removed, the ear bones and facial nerve lines were also cut off, causing the right facial muscles to lose mobility, the right ear hearing loss.
This problem has plagued Ms.A for 23 years.
After using the Apyramidra Harmony Card and Apyramidra Wisdom Band One for about 20 minutes, the right facial muscles have begun to react slightly.
Deafness is still being tried.
Thank you Ms.A for sharing your experience and hope Ms.A will recover.
Disclaimer: No Medical claims are made nor implied. User assumes all responsibility for their exploration of information or materials.
Information reflects historical usage and concepts from different world healing traditions, many of which are not recognised or supported by modern Western Medicine. Vibrational Testing and all Vibrational Healing concepts, whether raditional or contemporary, are to be considered experimental holistic approaches and are not considered valid by modern Western Medicine.
All information and products are for personal exploration only, and are not intended for diagnosing nor treating any disease.


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