10歲小朋友在使用由Dr James Wong研發的Apyramidra Sygely Card(將個人照片與Bioretrix Card 相對),於非常短的時間內,在家人親友的見證下,寫下人生第一個中文字「田」。亦發現她的學習力大幅提升。
“After connected her with our Sygely Card this morning, according to her accompanied mother and friend, this 10 years old down syndrome girl has written the first Chinese word in her life, 田。Her ability to express herself improve immediately. “— by Dr. James Wing Ho Wong
Note: Bioretrix Card is not for professional medical treatment but is a long term balancing tools support for body’s energy system and treatment. There are no circumstances should Bioretrix Card replace medical treatment.