Apyramidra Universe Inch (宇宙寸)


Apyramidra Universe Inch

1年= 365.25天=(365.25天)×(24小時/天)×(3600秒/小時)= 31557600秒
1光年的距離是9,460,730,472,580,800 米。
因此,基於⌈宇宙八卦⌋,四面體的每一邊為2.59797558729206 x 10-6 米
考慮到實際應用的方便, 1 ⌈宇宙寸⌋應為25.98毫米。


Universe Inch Based on Universe Bagua
One Julian astronomical year, has 365.25 days:
1 year = 365.25 days = (365.25 days) × (24 hours/day) × (3600 seconds/hour) = 31557600 seconds
1 Light year in distance is 9,460,730,472,580,800 m
Therefore, based on the Universe Bagua, each side of the tetrahedron is 2.59797558729206 x 10-6 m
For practical scale, 1 Universe Inch should be 25.98 mm.