Apyramidra Sofgi Card (過敏症 – 包括鼻敏感)


Apyramidra Sofgi Card

原過敏症 (Allergy) 是人體免疫系統對外來原本無害的物質所產生的 發炎反應。當身體遇上致敏原,免疫系統便會產生一連串的反應。 免疫細胞會針對該類致敏原製造出大量特定的免疫球蛋白(IgE)。 當肥大細胞遇到 這種IgE,並受到特定的刺激時,便會釋放出引致發 炎的物質如組織胺、前列腺素、及白三烯素等。


Allergy is produced by the body's immune system from externally harmless substancesInflammatory reaction. When the body encounters allergens, the immune system produces a series of reactions. Immune cells produce a large number of specific immunoglobulins (IgE) against these allergens. When mast cells encounter this type of IgE and are specifically stimulated, they will releaseInflammatory substances such as histamine, prostaglandin, and leukotrienes.