Apyramidra Bai Card (改善鼻咽癌)


Apyramidra Bai Card

鼻咽癌(NPC, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma)是一種發生於鼻咽腔或上咽喉部的癌症。在世界的某些地區,例如東南亞和非洲,患此病的人比其他地方多,過去認為是主要是膳食的影響,目前傾向為遺傳基因為主要的影響因素。
Bai Card有助提升身體的頻率改善及舒緩鼻咽癌的影響。

NPC is the most common cancer originating in the nasopharynx, most commonly in the postero-lateral nasopharynx or pharyngeal recess. It is vastly more common in certain regions of East Asia and Africa than elsewhere, with viral, dietary and genetic factors implicated in its causation.
Bai Card can improve the frequency of the body and relieve the effects of nasopharyngeal cancer.