健康 – Apyramidra Amunra Equation Card + Apyramidra Rejuvenation Card 用戶分享:

使用Apyramidra Equation Card 及Rejuvenation Card 後,問題有所改善。
配合BioInformation Energy Balancing後,可享良好的睡眠品質!


2 thoughts on “健康 – Apyramidra Amunra Equation Card + Apyramidra Rejuvenation Card 用戶分享:

  1. fu says:

    hi I just ask my friend to buy Amunra card for me. can I apply the amunra card on photo? or I have to leave it on top of the door? thanks

  2. sunday says:

    If you use the Amunra card on your photo, it will increase your energy field.
    If you use the Amunra card on the top of door, it will increase the energy field of your home.


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