Apyramidra Azmuya Card 用家分享:小朋友於今年7月3日開始使用,使用後小朋友心情愉快,兩星期內就開始與其他小朋友互動。適合自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)者使用,ASD就好像腦袋被煙幕遮蓋,看不清狀況,是一種腦功能發展障礙,Azmuya Card帶有的訊息有助腦部平衡。
Disclaimer: No Medical claims are made nor implied. User assumes all responsibility for their exploration of information or materials. Information reflects historical usage and concepts from different world healing traditions, many of which are not recognised or supported by modern Western Medicine. Vibrational Testing and all Vibrational Healing concepts, whether raditional or contemporary, are to be considered experimental holistic approaches and are not considered valid by modern Western Medicine. All information and products are for personal exploration only, and are not intended for diagnosing nor treating any disease.